In school, as you know, we are judged by our results by the powers that be.
Today we submitted our end of key stage results. Here in sunny Wales, in year 2, we have to submit 'outcomes' in language, literacy and communication (LCE) mathematical development (MD) and personal and social education (PSD)
The average is outcome 5, similar to the old level 2 and outcome 6 is similar to level 3
So today, sims was opened up and the levels went in. 90% of year 2 were awarded outcome 6, not because they are gorgeous bundles of loveliness but because two of the strands are directly linked to Visible Learning
The first strand is development in independence and perseverance and the second strand is reflection. So because the learners have been given so many opportunities to develop these skills through Visible Learning, it's tipped 90% of the class into outcome 6.
Because of these skills and giving massive credit to Pie Corbett Talk for Writing, the LCE and MD results are also much improved and nearly all learners have exceeded their targets.
I'm very proud of all our infant staff who work tirelessly to improve the learning and their teaching.
So looking forward to continuing our journey with Craig and the other #VLUKNetwork schools to work collaboratively,
I can't imagine what this is all going to look like in a years time!!!
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