We are well on the road to becoming a Visible Learning school, no beavers as yet building dams, children can talk much better about their learning and their next steps.
I did get to thinking about WHY we are doing this. Yes, better end of key stage assessments and better reading and maths etc etc. but at the crux of it all is that we want our pupils to love learning, really love learning, become a bit addicted to the buzz of success and triumph.
So the wonderful Mrs Jones, year 1 teacher and delivery team leader for Inspired and Passionate Teachers asked the infants today to describe what it's like when you learn something new, succeed when faced with a challenge
The answers:
like you can do everything
Tickly inside
All the right ideas inside you
Happy, I want even more work
Like a rainbow
It makes you proud
I feel all the above writing this blog. This is a question we definitely need to talk to the children about more. I can feel a display coming on.........